Tag: Duck

Early Fall

It has been warm lately, but the waterfowl seem to think we are moving into an early fall. The Canada geese and the Mallards are starting flock together. Maybe this is the time of years they always start flocking together, but it still feels early.

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Duck Bath

Farm Duck

We went on an adventure to Kensington Metropark this week. The kids wanted to go back to the farm to see how all the babies were growing. Not surprising, they were bigger. We had a lot of fun exploring, even just watching a duck having a bath in a clean pool.

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Birding around the House

Finding a nest on the ground is a great way for birding around the house

I love looking at birds, but sometimes it is hard to get away. So I often have to settle for a little birding around the house. Where ever we go, the kids and I keep our eyes out for birds. While on a family walk yesterday we found a nest that fell out of a tree. Then we saw a few duck fly into a little pond behind the neighborhood school. Then when we got home we checked out the birdfeeders. We saw all of the local suspects, but the male Ruby-throated hummingbird stole the show.

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