
About Me:

My name is Paul. I am a husband, father, and Gentlemen Adventure. I love music, books, bicycles, and learning about the world. While I grew up in the farm country in northern, lower Michigan, I was enticed to the suburbs of Detroit by my wife (then fiancée). Life has not turned out like I planned, honestly it is infinitely better. All opinions shared in this blog are mine, and not a reflection of past or present employers.

About the Blog:

People go on pilgrimages for many reasons: to ask for or offer thank for healing, to do penance for past sins, or even to find peace and understanding. In the classic sense, a pilgrimage has a geographically fixed beginning and end. As a Christian, the true end of our journey should be fixed in heaven.

As a father of three young children I won’t be able to walk the Camino de Santiago in the foreseeable future. Yet, I can embark on on the greatest adventure of all. Trying to be a good example to my children and go on the Aimless Pilgrimage that we call life.

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