Category: Mysteries of Life

Summer Melancholy

Lily Pad

It is the first week of August, so it is the time for summer melancholy. My wife is ready to go back to school as a teacher, and my children will be starting shortly after.

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Thorn in the Flesh

Thorn in the Flesh

In this week’s second reading (2 Cor 12:7-10) St. Paul tells us that a “thorn in the flesh was given to me,… to keep me from being too elated.” Other translations say proud or conceited. No one knows what St….

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Rejoice with Those Who Rejoice

Yesterday I had lunch with a friend who had just received bad news. It was the kind of news where I wanted to be supportive, but was truly at a lose for words. I wished I could have made him laugh, or lightened his load, but I didn’t know what to say. I think I gave him a little hope, but I am not even sure if I was successful in that. We just talked, and I told him I was sorry over and over.

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