Category: Gospel of Matthew

Fight or Flight

A few months ago, I was verbally and physically assaulted at the church where I work. I don’t intend to hash out what happened, but I do want to talk about some of the emotional baggage that has stayed with…

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Walking with Wildflowers

My family was going on a walk a few days ago. Halfway through our route we found some flowers that were so stunning that they stopped us in our tracks.

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Baptize the Faithful


In today’s Gospel (Mt 28:16-20), Jesus teaches the remaining 11 apostles how to baptize the faithful. He also tells them that they must continue their relationship with the newly baptized, “teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” It doesn’t matter if the newly baptized person is an adult or a baby, they need people to help them understand, and live out the Gospel message.

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Peace Be With You

This weekend’s Gospel (John 20:19-31) is full of many important events. We have the establishment of the Sacrament of Confession, we get the story of “doubting Thomas,” and we get John’s explanation about why he wrote his Gospel. Yet at the beginning of the Gospel, Jesus says, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” This is Jesus sending us, his Church, out into the world to both live out, and share, the Gospel message.

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