Category: Walking

Early Spring Walk

There is something exciting about an early spring walk in Michigan. The snow is slowly melting away. Old bird friends are starting to call their welcome home songs. The cold air has a hint of the smell of fresh spring mud.

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Stops on the Pilgrimage

Today is the Third Sunday of Easter in the Roman Catholic Church. We read one of my one of my favorite Gospels, Luke 24:13-35, also known as the story of the Road to Emmaus. The story where two disciples of Jesus, leaving Jerusalem…

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Walk to take Pictures

Now that the weather has finally broke in Michigan my daughter and I decided to take a walk to see what we could find. She also decided to take her “camera”… which is a little square mirror. Hey, I am…

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A Walk with my Son

Today my son is one month old. This is part of the reason I have not put up a post for that amount of time. There were no complications with the birth, but my waking hours have consisted on taking…

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Night Walk

There are many days, that after getting home from work, having dinner with the family, and then put my daughter to bed it is already dark. So if I want to go for a walk, and not feel like I am abandoning…

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Walk With My Daughter

One of my favorite things that has happened since my daughter has hit the two year mark is the fact that “going for walks” no longer means me pushing or pulling her the whole way in some sort of wagon…

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